Boise’s Established
State Street District
The State Street District holds the opportunity for CCDC to assist with redevelopment of the State Street corridor from an auto-dominated commercial corridor into a series of walkable, mixed-use activity centers supportive of high-quality transit service between Eagle and Downtown Boise. This assistance could include utility upgrades, construction of civic amenities—such as parks, pathways, and public art—and enhancing economic opportunities for businesses and residents along State Street.
The City of Boise determined the study area eligible for urban renewal assistance and directed Capital City Development Corporation, Boise’s redevelopment agency, to proceed with the State Street District formation process by Resolution 228-19 on June 4, 2019.

What is Urban Renewal?
The process where a previously developed area is improved and rehabilitated into a vibrant urban neighborhood.
Establishing a District
The State Street Urban Renewal District holds opportunity to solve public infrastructure deficiencies and revitalize the area.
Be Part of the Process
Establishing a District is a multi-step public process that relies on input and feedback from the general public, key stakeholders, consultants, and agency partners.