
State Street Urban Renewal District

The State Street District holds the promise of facilitating the development of compact, mixed use activity centers along State Street that are oriented toward and supportive of high-quality transit options along the corridor.

State Street/Highway 44 is one of the major transportation spines that connect Downtown Boise to west Ada and Canyon Counties, and the only major east/west roadway north of the Boise River. State Street is a critical transportation link between communities, many of which are growing rapidly. Traffic along State Street is growing, as well, and the road cannot be widened enough to keep pace with that growth in predominantly single-occupant vehicle travel. A significant investment in and shift to public transit is essential to maintain traffic flow and quality of life along State Street.

The City of Boise’s comprehensive plan, Blueprint Boise, sets forth a vision and goals for compact, mixed-use development along State Street throughout the Study Area. It is also designated as one of three planned best-in-class transit corridors identified in Boise’s Transportation Action Plan. The need for significant public infrastructure investments necessary to accomplish Blueprint Boise’s vision and goals makes establishment of an urban renewal district essential to promote equitable, efficient, and timely reinvestment along State Street.

State Street Problems as Identified in the Eligibility Report

  • The presence of a substantial number of deteriorated or deteriorating structures was found to be widespread
  • Deterioration of site or other improvements was found to be widespread
  • Defective or inadequate street layout was found to be widespread
  • Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness was found to be widespread
  • Growth in property valuations in the Study Area lagged behind that of the City of Boise and Ada County overall
  • Commercial vacancies in the Study Area exceed those in the City of Boise
  • Percentage of non-exempt, economically underperforming parcels in the Study Area exceeds that in the City of Boise

State Street Opportunities

  • Improve Infrastructure – Projects could include new sidewalks, street connections, and transit facilities.
  • Diversify Boise’s Housing – Encourage compact, mixed-use development that includes a variety of housing products that accommodate a range of income levels.
  • Leverage Existing Recreation Facilities – Make use of existing public amenities along the corridor, including the Boise River Greenbelt, Willow Lane Athletic Complex, and Whitewater Park, to attract development.
  • Plan for Growth Responsibly – Make use of urban renewal tools to promote compact development and infill along the corridor.

Project Documents and Resources

The following resources were produced as part of the district formation process and provide detailed information about the study area, project findings, and proposed plans.

State Street Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Planning Resources

Guiding Community Plans

The Proposed State Street District’s urban renewal plan will embody the existing community plans and policies that guide and regulate the district’s area. These guiding documents include: